
[ 2018-12-04 ]

<水果與英文>愛文芒果與麗蠅 (Irwin Mangoes & Blow flies)   蘇正隆

芒果 (Mangifera indica) 是漆樹科芒果屬,原產印度東北與緬甸西北部,印度栽培已有4000年歷史,先後傳至東南亞、非洲、美洲、澳洲等地區,經品種改良,已遍及熱帶、亞熱帶地區,目前已成為是繼葡萄、柑橙、香蕉、蘋果之後的世界第五大栽培水果。

芒果於17世紀荷蘭治台時期引進台灣,在台灣稱為「檨仔」(suāinn-á) 、「土檨仔」或「檬果」,果小皮綠、肉少纖維多,但有特殊的風味。

1954年,農復會自美國佛羅里達州引進愛文 (Irwin)、海頓 (Haden)、肯特(Kent)、凱特 (Keitt) 等栽培種 (cultivar),經過7年試種馴化,選出最適合台灣的愛文種推廣。愛文芒皮紅肉黃,香氣濃,外表像紅蘋果一樣,所以當時又稱「蘋果檨」。





1987年,有一回林宗賢在玉井調查時,看到鄉間居民將酬神建醮儀式過後發臭的豬頭丟棄在芒果樹下,吸引了大群俗稱金蒼蠅的麗蠅 (blow fly),林宗賢注意到這些飛舞的蒼蠅附近的芒果樹都結實累累,不禁聯想,這可能是解決「開花不結果」的救星。



By the end of the 1960s, a large number of Irwin mango trees in Tainan area were experiencing an alarming phenomenon—they would flower but not bear fruit. A pollinated Irwin mango would weigh between 300 and 400 grams. But many mangoes weren’t being pollinated, resulting in a majority of trees without mangoes. 

Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture formed a task force to solve the issue plaguing fruit farmers. However, more than ten years past, the farming predicament still remained unsolved.

One day in 1987, Professor Lin Tzong-Shyan saw a reeking pig head under a mango tree that had attracted hordes of blow flies, and the sounds of the large-headed flies could be heard buzzing around several mango trees nearby. Noticing an abundance of mangoes hanging from these trees, Lin Tzong-Shyan connected the dots. Could these blow flies be the savior sent to solve the issue of mango trees not bearing fruit?

During the mango flowering season of 1988, Lin Tzong-Shyan convinced a farmer to implement a grid shaped pattern in which the center area of every eight mango trees would have a pile of rotten fish or poultry viscera to attract blow flies. A few months later, the farmer had a bountiful harvest of mangoes. The output was several times higher than previous years. The problem of mangoes flowering but not bearing fruit, which had confounded Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture for so long, had finally been so creatively solved. Taiwan’s mango output skyrocketed thereafter.
(Jerome Su, August 14, 2018)