
[ 2018-12-04 ]

<談文論譯 Q & A>金榜題名英文怎麼說?   蘇正隆

「書林文創」 設計了一個 「文昌禮袋」,讓親友買來送考生,或考生自己討吉祥 (auspice)。企劃主任問我「金榜題名」英文怎麼說?

Q : 大蘇先生好

王才宜 Vicky Wang
02-23658617 www.bookman.com.tw

A : 首先我們看看別人怎麼說:
1.Google翻譯:金榜題名Jīnbǎng tímíng  Gold list title

Wish you to examine smoothly, and gold placard 這句話大概的意思是 祝你考試順利並且金榜題名

3.百度知道:“金榜题名” 用英文怎么翻译?
金榜题名 have passed the examination. One's name was put on the published list of successful candidates. succeed in the government examination.

以上的翻譯英文或者不通,或者不到位,都不是理想的英譯。英美雖然沒有科舉考試的「金榜題名」,但有類似的觀念,如:「(考試/學業) 成績優異」,見底下:

Passing with distinction usually means passing with consistent top grades(All A's) and showing extra dedication, commitment and hard work which is recognised by the university or school. (www.thestudentroom.co.uk)

If you do something such as pass exam with flying colours, you do it very successfully. Example: I was able to pass the IELTS test with flying colors to meet the requirement for studying abroad.
[Idiom of the day – Education 05] facebook.com/ieltsducthangbui/posts/

因此「金榜題名」可譯為passing with distinction或pass exam w
ith flying colors。

我怎麼知道以上的說法呢?其實我是先試譯,再透過Google求證。只要你輸入:pass examination with distinction/with honors/with high scores/ with high marks/with merits等,多試幾次,就會發現 passing with distinction或pass exam with flying colours 的習慣講法。(Jerome Su, August 21, 2018)