
[ 2018-12-04 ]

<談文論譯>環保創意   蘇正隆

BBC有個節目叫BBC World Hacks,現在大家印象中的 “hack” 大概都跟電腦給「駭」有關,不過 “hack” 是個多義詞 (polysemy),從負面到正面的意思都有,是譯者最怕的那種地雷。譬如 “hack” 可指「很菜、沒經驗的人」 (a person who is inexperienced or unskilled at a particular activity, e.g., a tennis hack) ,平庸 (mediocre) 等,也可指好的解決方案 (a good solution); 妙方/好點子 (a clever tip or technique for doing or improving something)。如:Life Hack: How to lose weight in two easy and inexpensive ways; Life Hacks: How to load a dishwasher. 這裡的life hack就是生活妙方/訣竅/小撇步。

8/28 BBC World Hacks 介紹Bologna’s citizens are rewarded for using green transport like bikes. 
“In the northern Italian town of Bologna (波隆那) , a new public transport system is rewarding citizens for taking sustainable modes of transport. Each time locals walk or use the bus, train, carpooling or car sharing (共乘), they receive ‘mobility points’, which can be cashed in at cafes, cinemas, bars, bookshops and a number of other locations across the city.”

你累積的環保行動點數 (mobility points)可用來換一客義大利冰淇淋 (gelato),一杯咖啡,一張電影票,或書店優惠折扣。希望不久後台灣也可看到這類有創意的環保行動。(Jerome Su, August 29, 2018