
[ 2018-12-04 ]

<談文論譯Q & A>Cuttlefish,Squid 與 Octopus   蘇正隆

Cuttlefish (烏賊),Squid (鎖管/小管、透抽、 魷魚) 與 Octopus (章魚) 

Q: S-F Lai 難道好吃的小卷,魷魚,花枝全部通稱 squid 嗎?

A: Squid 指「鎖管 (小管),透抽,魷魚,軟絲仔」等管魷目軟體動物,體內有片薄內殼支撐 (slender internal chitinous support)。

「花枝」就是「烏賊/墨魚」,一般指烏賊科、烏賊屬 (sepia)的軟體動物,英文叫cuttlefish,體內有鈣化的海螵蛸 (calcified internal shell/cuttlebone)。

Squid和cuttlefish都是貝類,只是隨著演化,殼都給包進體內了,牠們都有10隻附肢,8隻為腕 (arms),另2隻為能伸縮的觸腕 (tentacles)。

此外,octopus (章魚) 則是八腕目(Octopoda) 軟體動物,僅有8隻腕,缺觸腕,故又稱八爪魚。

Squid: any of an order (Teuthoidea/Teuthida管魷目) of cephalopods having eight short arms and two usually longer tentacles(觸腕), a long tapered body, a caudal fin (尾鰭) on each side, and usually a slender internal chitinous support (狹長的幾丁質內殼) (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dic.)

Cuttlefish: any of various marine cephalopod mollusks (order Sepioidea 烏賊目, especially genus Sepia 烏賊屬) having eight short arms and two usually longer tentacles and differing from the related squid in having a calcified internal shell (鈣化的內殼) (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dic.)

Squid are cephalopods of the two orders Myopsida魷魚目 and Oegopsida 鎖管目, which were formerly regarded as two suborders of the order Teuthida, however recent research shows Teuthida to be paraphyletic. (Wikipedia)

網路上有不少關於鎖管 (小管)、透抽、魷魚及烏賊 (花枝/墨魚)的英文及中文說法介紹,但不少講法係以訛傳訛。簡明可靠的資訊可參考:屏東海洋生物博物館台灣海洋生態資訊學習網 (study.nmmba.gov.tw)的頭足類簡介。
(Jerome Su, Sept 28, 2018)