
[ 2019-05-10 ]

從「基本常識」到「國學常識」的英文   蘇正隆

中文「常識」是個多義詞 (polyseme),一般人往往把它和common sense 畫上等號,其實「常識」對應的英文須視上下文語境來決定。

日常的「基本常識」是basic general knowledge;根據Wikipedia,General knowledge 是 "culturally valued knowledge communicated by a range of non-specialist media and encompassing a wide subject range.”

科學/數學/電腦的「常識/基本知識」可以說 the ABC of science/math/computer 或 the basics of science/ math/ computer,見下例:Learn the ABC of science before you attempt to scale its peaks. Never embark on what comes after without having mastered what goes before. (Pavlov, A LETTER TO THE YOUTH)

「有沒常識呀?」Do you have common sense? 是在罵人沒有 “the ability to judge things, make sound decisions, and act in a reasonable way.”

小學的「常識」課是General Studies,如:General Studies for Primary Schools;
Longman General Studies for Primary 1-6《朗文常識》

至於人盡皆知的事 (something that many or most people know),偶爾也稱「常識」,It's common knowledge that she plans to run for mayor. (Merriam-Webster’s)

最近我們為「十二年國教」課程名稱審訂英譯,其中「國學常識」原譯為Introduction to Sinology,意思變成是「漢學導論」。我建議改為 Fundamentals of the Chinese Classics,經過討論,最後我們決定譯為Essentials of the Chinese Classics。

台北書林書店辦了3場「蘇老師的英語天地」講習,本來希望我講英文文法,我說我不擅長,也不喜歡談文法,還是談些多年來英文改寫、編輯的經驗,相信對來聽講的朋友更有用。 (Jerome Su, Nov. 13, 18)

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