
[ 2019-05-10 ]

<談文論譯> 搓圓仔湯 get bribed to drop out   蘇正隆

搓圓仔湯 (挲圓仔湯,so-înn-á-thng),或搓圓仔,是臺灣政界、商界常用的臺語詞彙,指透過協商或利誘、威逼等手段,要求他人退出競爭。

根據 Wikipedia, 日本湯圓「團子」(だんご,Dango)跟協商之日語「談合」(だんごう,Dangou)的發音極為接近,故引申使用。

在選舉前有些候選人會以「搓圓仔湯」手段,勸退對手,以減低競爭壓力,保證或增加己方當選機會。The sooner a candidate can get others in the race to quit, the sooner they can consolidate their base and lock in the nomination. 給「搓掉/挲掉」的對手,會轉而支持收買自己的候選人(throw his support behind the first candidate.)


如何「搓掉/挲掉」對手? How do you get someone else to quit? 
Well, one way is to offer them an incentive (誘因). You could offer them money or the promise of a powerful position. That is what one camp is considering offering another candidate.


Charlie and Dennis - Team up for Dennis to run for public office, which Charlie as his campaign manager, though their objective is to get bribed to drop out of the race instead of actually being elected.

As for the leaked emails between Garrett and Hattersley suggesting that Hogan could be bribed to drop out…  (Jerome Su, Nov 26, 2018)
