
[ 2019-05-10 ]

<談文論譯>rob 一定是搶,steal 一定是偷嗎?   蘇正隆

中文裡「偷」和「搶」不同,「偷」是「偷偷摸摸」、「暗地裡做」,「搶」是「訴諸暴力」、「明著硬來」!但英文裡rob 與 steal 常在同一段文字中交替出現,到底是「搶」或「偷」,要看前後文及受詞是人或物才能決定。受詞是人或銀行,用rob;受詞是物,用steal。我June 26在 FB 上 po 了一篇〈重新思考 rob, steal 的教學與中譯〉,提到rob 不一定是搶,有可能是偷;steal 不一定是偷,有可能是搶。

期中考考題我出了三題 rob, robbery與steal的翻譯,其中兩題如下:
  1. 1. A Vietnam-flagged tanker was hijacked by gun-toting pirates who stole part of the vessel's cargo of oil before releasing the ship and its crew safely...(掛越南旗油輪遭劫,持槍海盜劫走部分運送之原油。)
  2. 2. Spanish crooner Julio Iglesias was robbed of his passport and cash when thieves raided his hotel room while he performed in Venezuela, police and media reports said.(西班牙流行歌星在Venezuela開演唱會時,他的旅館房間遭小偷闖入,護照、現金遭竊 …)

儘管一再提醒,仍有不少同學把pirates who stole part of the vessel's cargo of oil裡的stole (劫走/搶走) 譯成「*偷走」。明明人不在旅館房間,回到旅館才發現was robbed of his passport and cash (護照、現金遭竊) ,還是有同學把robbed譯為「*被搶走」。

A bandit is a criminal who attacks and steals from travelers

考前我也一再提示,rob 有時是「偷」,steal 有時是「搶」,要看上下文。不知是以往英語教學太成功,還是怎樣?照樣有人把steals from travelers「搶劫」,譯為「*偷竊」!(Jerome Su, Dec. 28, 2018)