
[ 2019-05-10 ]

<談文論譯>中文四字套語 英文一字搞定   蘇正隆

有些中文四字成語/套語,如「處變不驚」,「遇缺不補」,「放無薪假」,「幸災樂禍」,在譯為英文時,有人會大費周章去 paraphrase,其實英文只需一字就可搞定。

1971年中華民國退出聯合國,國際社會紛紛支持「排我納匪」案,台灣成為國際社會之孤兒,於是蔣中正總統告軍民同胞,要國人「莊敬自強、處變不驚」。1978年的「中美斷交」,這個口號又再度響起,Yahoo 知識+「處變不驚」的英文是:To be calm and unfraid when facing dangers and sudden changes.

「處變不驚」類似英文的 sangfroid (ˈsäⁿ-ˈf(r)wä),Merriam-Webster的解釋是: “self-possession or imperturbability especially under strain” 例句:He displayed remarkable sangfroid when everyone else was panicking during the crisis. (在危急狀況下,大家都驚慌異常,他則處變不驚。)

「遇缺不補」 (attrition) 是人資管理用語,就是不訴諸裁員遣散 (layoff) 手段,讓員工以離職、退休的方式自然減少。(attrition is a reduction in the workforce caused by retirement or resignation, without plans to fill or replace that vacant job position.) What Is the Meaning of Attrition Used in HR? https://smallbusiness.chron.com

If your business faces financial circumstances in which a reduction in staff is necessary, your options are to reduce hours, lay off employees or slowly reduce your workforce through natural attrition. (Avoiding Layoffs Through the Use of Attrition)

「放無薪假」(furlough),根據 Merriam-Webster 的解釋,furlough是 “a temporary leave from work that is not paid and is often for a set period of time” 例句:One possible way to avoid layoffs is through furloughs—making workers take an unpaid leave of absence. (避免裁員的方式之一是放無薪假。)

「幸災樂禍」(schadenfreude) 也是中文四字套語,英文一字就搞定。維基百科的解釋是:
Schadenfreude is a complex emotion, where rather than feeling sympathy towards someone's misfortune, schadenfreude evokes joyful feelings that take pleasure from watching someone fail.
Schadenfreude是外來語,源自德文,還算常用,《麥克米倫高級英漢雙解詞典》有收,英文定義是:a feeling of pleasure some people have when bad things happen to someone else,中文解釋就是「幸災樂禍」。

(Jerome Su, Jan. 18, 2019; Revised Jan. 28, 2019)