
[ 2019-06-26 ]

<談文論譯>Graphic account 描述得鉅細靡遺,歷歷如繪的描述   蘇正隆

BBC World Service 最近報導丹麥國教會 (Church of Denmark) 有個戀童癖 (pedophile/paedophile) 牧師,10年間在他服務的村莊性侵8名孩童,到2016才東窗事發。他遭逮捕時,還有許多當地人不相信他會幹這種事,但受害者則多年來有難言之隱。(“The Seducer”… was first arrested in 2016, many of the locals didn’t want to believe it, while others had been carrying a terrible secret for years.)

記者到該地村落採訪,In graphic accounts, which some listeners may find upsetting, victims describe their experience of Peschack’s abuse. One speaks of his shock at discovering the extent of the assaults and of his anger at the betrayal by a man who he thought was his friend. Parents who were suspicious regret their failure to act, while others realise they were duped into trusting their children to a paedophile.

這裡 In graphic accounts,不太好翻譯,許多詞典把 a graphic description/account 解釋成「生動的描述/形象的說明」,不過中文「生動的/形象的」,有正面的意涵,而  In graphic accounts 則是「鉅細靡遺」、「歷歷如繪」到令人很不舒服。
譬如有些影片在播放之前,會有以下警告:WARNING: Video contains graphic content and may disturb some viewers. 或 This video contains some graphic images.

Collins English Dictionary 對 graphic 的解釋是:If you say that a description or account of something unpleasant is graphic, you are emphasizing that it is clear and detailed. ... 

維基百科有一則關於 Graphic violence 的說明:Graphic violence is the depiction of especially vivid, brutal and realistic acts of violence in visual media. The "graphic" in graphic violence is a synonym for "explicit", referring to the clear and unabashed nature of the violence portrayed 

《麥克米倫高級英漢雙解詞典》graphic 的解釋是:(對不愉快之事的描述) 歷歷如繪的。


最後,我們也來看一下 graphic account 一詞,Google 怎麼翻譯?很搞笑:*Graphic account 圖形帳戶。

專業譯者看了應該可以告慰,機器翻譯離人的翻譯還有很大的距離。(Jerome Su, March 11, 19; Revised March 14, 19)