
當代大師》瑪格麗特‧愛特伍 Margaret Atwood



《使女的故事The Handmaid's Tale》則以意識流的手法,掌握時間的線性流動,是過去也是未來。細膩、深刻,在迷人的敘述中反覆辯證人與女人的價值,真實與虛構拉扯,挑戰讀者的閱讀神經。而她的作品《雙面葛蕾斯AliasGrace》被譽為當代西方女性主義文學經典。
《末世男女Oryx and Crake》三部曲系列是科技反烏托邦的瘟疫文學,預言生物科技和病毒變種將造成的人類浩劫。瑪格麗特以詩人敏銳的筆調,書寫人性;令人毛骨悚然、怵目驚心,瀰漫著悽涼的美學。

1969The Edible Woman 可餐秀色
1972Surfacing 浮現
1976Lady Oracle 女祭司
1979Life Before Man 成為男人之前 (加拿大總督獎決選)
1981Bodily Harm 夢斷長夜
1985The Handmaid's Tale 使女的故事 (加拿大總督獎、布克獎決選)
1988Cat's Eye貓眼 (加拿大總督獎決選、布克獎)
1993The Robber Bride強盜新娘
1996Alias Grace雙面葛蕾斯 (柑橘小說獎OrangePrize)
2000The Blind Assassin 盲眼刺客 (布克獎,柑橘小說獎)
2003Oryx and Crake 末世男女 (加拿大總督獎,柑橘小說獎)
2005The Penelopiad潘妮洛普-潘妮洛普與奧迪修斯的神話 (創神奇幻文學獎,都柏林文學獎)
2009The Year of the Flood 洪荒年代(末世男女之二)(都柏林文學獎入圍)
2013MaddAddam 瘋狂亞當(末世男女之三)(美國最大書評網票選科幻小說冠軍)
2015The Heart Goes Last

短篇小說集Short fiction collections
1977Dancing Girls (勞倫斯小說獎St.Lawrence Award for Fiction)
1983Murder in the Dark 黑暗中的謀殺
1983Bluebeard's Egg
1991Wilderness Tips (加拿大總督獎決選)
1992Good Bones 好骨頭
1994Good Bones and Simple Murders
1996The Labrador Fiasco
2006The Tent 當半個神不容易——愛特伍隨想手札
2006Moral Disorder
2014Stone Mattress

詩集Poetry collections
1961Double Persephone
1966The Circle Game圈戲 (加拿大總督獎)
1966Speeches for Doctor Frankenstein
1968The Animals in That Country在那國度的動物
1970The Journals of Susanna Moodie 蘇珊娜‧慕迪的札記
1971Procedures for Underground
1971Power Politics
1974You Are Happy ( Includes the poem Song of the Worms
1976Selected Poems 詩選
1978Two-Headed Poems雙首詩選
1981True Stories
1983Love Songs of a Terminator
1983Snake Poems
1984Interlunar 不見月亮的期間
1995Morning in the Burned House, McClelland & Stewart
1998Eating Fire: Selected Poems, 1965–1995
1978"You Begin." (1978) – as recited by MargaretAtwood; included in all three most recent editions of her "SelectedPoems" as listed above (US, CA, UK)
2007The Door

1972Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature
2002Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing與死者協商:布克獎得主瑪格


2008PaybackDebtand the Shadow Side of Wealth 債與償

Children's books
1978Up in the Tree (1978)
1980Anna's Pet (with Joyce C. Barkhouse)
1990For the Birds (1990) (with Shelly Tanaka)
1995Princess Prunella and the Purple Peanut
2003Rude Ramsay and the Roaring Radishes
2006Bashful Bob and Doleful Dorinda
2011Wandering Wenda and Widow Wallop’s WundergroundWashery