
[ 2019-06-26 ]

<談文論譯>I have a condition 我身體有點狀況   蘇正隆

近年來異軍突起的 ELT出版社 Helbling 派一位講者 Jack Scholes 來台灣推廣 Helbling Readers, 昨天我們閒聊了幾小時,我學到不少。

他提到不久前腳部長腫瘤手術的經過,還特別解釋,在講病痛時,英文裡有種含糊委婉的說法:I have a condition. 腳有毛病,不想講得太具體,可以說 I have a foot condition. 


Merriam-Webster Unabridged 有以下解釋:
e :  the physical status of the body as a whole <good condition> <poor condition> or of one of its parts — usually used to indicate abnormality <a serious heart condition> <a disturbed mental condition>

因此,「我母親有嚴重心臟病/我媽心臟有嚴重狀況」,可以說 My mother has a serious heart condition. 

底下是小說 The Epicure's Lament 中出現「我腳有狀況」的對話:
“It's a legitimate painkiller prescribed by Dr. Schuyler.” I said. “For what?” he asked, concerned. “For pain,” I said tersely. “I have a foot condition. I'm not a drug user.”
(那是醫師開的合法止痛藥 ...... 我腳有點狀況,我没嗑藥。)

所以,I have a condition 除了「我有個條件」外,還可能有別的意思。(Jerome Su, 4/28/19)