
當代大師 》彼得‧凱瑞 Peter Carey

'If I could edit my past, I'd get rid of all the commas'

彼得‧凱瑞 ( Peter Carey ) 於1943年出生於澳洲接近墨爾本附近郊區的小鎮,在墨莫爾本大學唸了化學一年後輟學,為福斯汽車撰寫廣告文案,『國家認同』是他作品中一個重要的主題。他追溯澳洲早期移民的歷史,並擅以邊緣小人物做為小說主人翁。



Peter Carey was born in 1943 in Victoria, Australia, where his parents ran a car dealership. He worked in advertising and wrote fiction in his spare time. Four of his novels were rejected before his short story collection, The Fat Man In History, was published in 1974 and made him an overnight success. He went on to write two Booker prize-winning novels, Oscar And Lucinda in 1988 and True History Of The Kelly Gang in 2000. His new book is called Parrot And Olivier In America. Married for the third time, Carey has two sons and lives in New York.



Q&A: Peter Carey

Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey